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Tag: storytelling

writing annual reports

6 Great Examples of Hospital Annual Reports

Let’s be honest: While your hospital annual report is a terrific marketing tool, creating it is a labor of love. It’s easy to get bogged down in gathering, writing and editing all the information you want to share. How can you get unbogged? We’re here to help: We’ve rounded up best practices for healthcare annual…

5 Standout Examples of Writing Patient Stories to Connect With Audiences blog feature image

5 Standout Examples of Writing Patient Stories to Connect With Audiences

“That story sounds a lot like mine — if they can conquer [health problem], so can I.” One of the most powerful ways to connect with a healthcare audience is through stories. So how can you use patient stories to create authentic, meaningful connections with your audience? Take a look at these 5 hospitals —…

how to write effective stories

How to Write Patient Stories That Make an Impact

What’s Below: Why are Patient Stories Important in Healthcare Marketing? How to Find Patient Stories How to Write Patient Stories [A Patient Story Template] Patient Story Examples When my son, Jack, was 14 months old, we learned he had a rare heart condition called a double aortic arch, or vascular ring. The condition is marked…