Home Our Work Case Studies Double Online Donations
The National Gaucher Foundation (NGF), a nonprofit organization that supports U.S. patients with Gaucher disease and their caregivers, encountered a content conundrum. Their web content was outdated, wordy, full of medical jargon, and poorly organized. Patients and caregivers were craving better content.
Aha Media Group rewrote NGF’s web content to highlight key strengths and differentiators. To maintain communication with the Gaucher community, NGF continued working with Aha Media to create high-quality blog content.
NGF’s new web content and blog resulted in direct ROI. Online donations doubled since the launch of the revised website and blog.
Among them was a $1,000 unsolicited donation from a couple who came across the NGF website when they thought their grandson had Gaucher disease. Even though he ultimately did not have Gaucher, the couple donated because of their positive experience with NGF’s website — which provided informative, reassuring, and supportive content.
NGF is the only organization in the United States committed to supporting patients with Gaucher disease and their caregivers — underscoring the need for NGF to deliver findable, engaging content.
NGF conducted an in-depth needs assessment to determine their audience’s interests. Often, people visited once and didn’t return because the information was complex and outdated. NGF needed to give its audience accessible content on managing the disease and information on news and current research.
NGF’s newly developed web content provided targeted, helpful information but wasn’t designed to address every topic. Blogging provided a way to cover a range of topics while driving traffic to other parts of the website. NGF identified blog post topics by paying attention to their audience: search trends related to Gaucher and comments on their Facebook page. The Aha Media editorial team looked at those topics and executed:
Conducted thorough background research and interviewed subject matter experts
Custom content
Wrote custom content incorporating search engine optimized (SEO) terms and calls to action
Finalized the content with the NGF team and subject matter experts
When writing blog content, Aha Media writers and editors focused on:
Traffic to NGF’s website referred from organic search increased by 52%. The fresh web content and new blog drove more people to NGF’s website.
Multiple-page sessions increased by 150%, and visitors increased by 252%. The informative content clearly attracts more people.
Improve the search results for content across your website. With interesting topics and effective internal links, you can guide readers further on their journey.
Create online communities for your readers and pay attention to their conversations. Online discussions on NGF’s Facebook page often spark new ideas for blog posts.
Set up a workable publishing schedule. NGF decided that a monthly cadence was doable, and they’ve been consistent. When organizations create an aggressive publishing schedule they can’t keep, it can confuse readers and decrease engagement.
Ready to talk about your engagement goals? We’d love to hear you out.
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