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Tag: content strategy

The 3 Pillars of Effective Healthcare Content Marketing: Data, Audience and Balance blog featured image

The 3 Pillars of Effective Healthcare Content Marketing

Today’s healthcare consumer has no shortage of online medical content they can access (but not always interpret). So how are health systems helping their patients and community better use and understand content to guide them to the care they need?

How to Use Social Media for Healthcare in 2023: 6 Best Practices blog featured image

How to Use Social Media for Healthcare in 2023: 6 Best Practices

If you’re anything like us, your screen time is through the roof lately. But hey, it’s not your fault — or ours. We’re all caught in the same trap, doom scrolling on social media without even realizing it. We’re all at the mercy of Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. We consume our bite-sized content between bites…

Creating Content for the B2B Healthcare Customer Journey [4 Examples] blog featured image

Creating Content for the B2B Healthcare Customer Journey [4 Examples]

Marketing to hospitals and other health organizations takes a very particular set of skills. No matter how long you’ve been in the game, the challenges are the same. You have to: Make sure every letter of your content follows strict HIPAA guidelines. Communicate the value of a high-ticket offer to organizations that may be low…

Is your style guide a potato masher or a spatula

10 (+2 NEW) Essential Elements for Your Brand Style Guide

Content style guides are like the potato mashers in your cutlery drawer. You know it’s there, it peeks out to say hi when you open the drawer, but you rarely use it. (Apologies to any potato masher lovers out there.) But style guides should be more like your spatula or peeler — something essential that…

How to Boost Patient Engagement Through Hospital Email Marketing: An Industry Example blog featured image

How to Boost Patient Engagement Through Hospital Email Marketing: An Industry Example

Start with the endgame. That’s what I kept thinking as I prepped for our recent webinar on Rethinking Your Email Marketing for 2022. I had some great tips and strategies to share with our participants. But I figured the best way to inspire is to start at the end: with examples from healthcare marketers who…

how to market hospital price transparency

5 Marketing Tips to Demystify Hospital Price Transparency for Consumers

Finally. You can find out the cost of an ultrasound BEFORE getting it, not 3 months later, buried in fine print on a hospital bill. Hospital price transparency helps consumers learn about the cost of elective services before receiving them. This information is supposed to make healthcare more like other industries, where you know exactly…

healthcare consumerism tips

Market Like a Healthcare Consumerism Pro: 3 Tips

COVID-19 safety and prevention protocols normalized advances like virtual visits that otherwise would have taken years to gain acceptance. Consumers and healthcare organizations alike benefitted. They’re clamoring for more. Patients are now seeking — no, demanding — more information, choices and value from healthcare organizations. This shift brings implications for marketing. And, we are here…

smiling woman talking on cell phone

5 Ways to Get Juicy Quotes & Write Content with Subject Matter Experts

My first writing/editing job was for a university magazine. I regularly interviewed academics, fundraising experts, administrators and student services professionals. I was a good writer, but a horrible interviewer. Talking to university folks was a necessary but dreaded task. And my attitude about interviewing came through to my subjects. They often answered my questions in…

3 Steps to Prep for Interviewing a Healthcare Stakeholder

This article is the first in our 3-part series on tips for interviewing stakeholders and using the information you get to create engaging and empathetic content. When I first started out as a health writer, the notion of interviewing a stakeholder was terrifying. Like many of my fellow writers, my gift is the written word,…

Content: Why Project Management is So Important blog feature image

Content: Why Project Management is So Important

Let’s be honest: A career in digital is not for the faint of heart. While you may not be slaying dragons and capturing unicorns, our jobs often feel like a slogfest through political complications, bureaucratic objections and a complete lack of education. So what’s a digital strategy wizard to do? How do you fight for…