The Ultimate Guide to AI for Healthcare Marketers + Do’s and Don’ts Cheatsheet What You Need to Know
The Ultimate Guide to AI for Healthcare Marketers + Do’s and Don’ts Cheatsheet What You Need to Know
Morgan Redding

Morgan Redding


Morgan Redding has worked in healthcare marketing for seven years. Her experience expands across multiple healthcare verticals, including cosmetic and plastic surgery, elder care and medical technology.

Before launching her career as a freelance writer, she was the director of communications for a multi-site senior care organization in central Kansas. In that role, she gained experience crafting campaign messaging and website content, highlighting the brand’s differentiators.

Morgan holds a B.S. in media communications. She lives in Kansas with her husband and daughter. When she’s not writing away at her computer, she can be found in the garden, reading a book or on her yoga mat.