The Ultimate Guide to AI for Healthcare Marketers + Do’s and Don’ts Cheatsheet What You Need to Know
The Ultimate Guide to AI for Healthcare Marketers + Do’s and Don’ts Cheatsheet What You Need to Know

Plain language drives results

B2B Healthcare Marketing: Clarity is a Competitive Advantage

Do Healthcare Professionals Prefer Plain Language?

We surveyed more than 150 healthcare professionals to find out.

The results?


picked plain language


did not

Clear Communication > Complicated Jargon

Healthcare professionals are a sophisticated audience. But that doesn’t mean complex, highly technical content is the best way to communicate with them.

In a 2023 study of B2B healthcare marketing trends, we found that 80% of decision-makers prefer to read marketing materials written in plain language. In 2024, we backed it up with real-life examples.

We learned:



of decision-makers would schedule a demo after reading plain language marketing materials



of decision-makers would download a white paper after reading a plain language teaser



of purchasing teams share marketing and sales materials with a larger, diverse group to make decisions

Clear and Concise Content Wins

In partnership with Mantis Research, Aha Media Group set out to understand how (and to what degree) our language impacts B2B buying decisions.

But we didn’t stop there.

We partnered with Feedback to examine the ways medical professionals interact with each other. Do they use jargon? Do they have a shared language we can tap into?

In the updated report, you’ll find:

  • Direct insights from decision-makers about their preferences
  • B2B healthcare marketing statistics supporting clear content
  • Examples of technical content and plain language alternatives
  • What “plain language” means and how to apply it
  • “Aha” moments about the behavior of B2B purchasing teams

Plain language is not dumbing it down.

It’s clearing it up.

Discover why your content may not be working — and find out how to get stakeholders on board with using plain language in B2B healthcare marketing.

Make plain language your competitive advantage

Convince Your Stakeholders With Data

Marketers and writers have been talking about the power of plain language for years. But convincing stakeholders that clarity is preferred? That’s an ongoing task.

We’re here to help! Back up your call for clarity with data. Download our key findings fact sheet and PowerPoint deck to support your efforts. Use them to complement your insights from our study. There’s no gate for these resources. Just click to download.

Aha Media Group, a content marketing agency
ahava leibtag of aha media group

How Can Our Writers Help?

Tell us what your organization needs, and we’ll let you know how we can help. Get in touch with Ahava to talk about healthcare content writing services.

Get Plain Language Help