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I get hundreds of emails every day – so marketing emails have to be really catchy to get my attention. (Unicorn emojis or free product offers are just not going to cut it). The reality is, most often I’m batch-deleting them and moving on to emails that matter to me.

When we send marketing emails, we try to craft something catchy enough that even I would open it. And that’s not easy. A few non-negotiables? A strong subject line – and information that actually adds value to your life.

According to technology market research firm The Radicati Group, the average person receives about 121 emails per day. That means the content you share in your email marketing campaigns needs to be strong – or you’ll go to the trash pile.

4 ways to rock your email marketing

Write compelling (and short!) subject lines

The subject line is the gateway to the email. At Aha Media, we find short and sweet subject lines are best – around 50 characters. Here are some more tactics to up your open rate:

  • Convey a sense of urgency: If you have a coupon code or a download that’s only available for a limited time, mention it!
  • Use numbers: Entice readers by letting them know the number of tips they’ll get within the email.
  • Consider personalization: Subject lines that include the name of the person receiving the email are 22% more likely to be opened (Hubspot).
  • Use an online tool: If you want to test your subject lines before you send them, use a free rating tool like the one at
  • A/B test: You may think one subject line is stronger than another, but potential readers might not agree. Try two different subject lines every time you send an email. Review the best performer, and use those trends to inform future subject lines.

Need more guidance on subject lines? Check out this post.

Don’t forget about the snippet

Got your audience’s attention with a great subject line? Keep the momentum going with a juicy snippet or preview text – that’s the first line that’s displayed in a user’s inbox before they open the email.

Most email campaign software allows you to edit this feature. If you don’t edit it, a user might see the first line of the email by default, which could be, “Having trouble viewing this email?” Snooze! Delete that eyesore and instead:

  • Describe what the reader will get by opening the email
  • Offer value and an interesting tip right away


Image of emails in an inbox with the preview text highlighted

Provide useful content

Congrats, you won the “User Opened Your Email” award! But your work’s not over. You want your readers to find the content of your email valuable. Make sure you provide them with the information or tips you promised them in the subject line and snippet.

Author and marketing expert Tim Grahl says that emails to your newsletter subscribers need to be “relentlessly helpful.” If you deliver content that makes it easier for them to do their jobs, teaches them something new or provides an “aha” moment, then maybe they won’t just open your next email – they’ll actually look forward to it.

Always include a call to action (CTA)

What action do you want readers to take after opening your email? If you’ve followed our last tip, you just gave your readers information that’s going to improve their work or their lives. Now, build on that. Clearly call them to action with a bold link or a big button. Want them to read a post on your blog? Tell them with a link. Pushing them to schedule an appointment? Include a link that makes it easy to do online. Trying to get them to register for a webinar? Your CTA should be a big, bold REGISTER NOW.

Email with a clear REGISTER NOW call to action


You only have a few seconds to convince your audience that your email is worth opening. Make sure your subject line and preview text are top notch to increase your chances. And once opened, your email should get to the point, do what the subject line promised and clearly call the reader to action.

Ready for more email inspiration? Check out these Email Stats You Should Know


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