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The Ultimate Guide to AI for Healthcare Marketers + Do’s and Don’ts Cheatsheet What You Need to Know

Most successful marketing campaigns include a compelling call to action, or CTA. Of course, crafting this message can be a challenge. That’s one reason businesses tend to use the same CTA phrases over and over ad nauseum.

Buy now! Click here! Subscribe today!

Not only do these phrases get old, they’re all about YOU — not your user. The best way to avoid turning people off with your take-home message: Give them something they want!

Breaking Down an Effective CTA

Which CTA is more enticing?

Want Girl Scout Cookies? Click here for a sweet deal!


Click here to buy!

Me? I’ll go for something sweet over emptying my wallet, especially if I’m having a rough day and perusing the web for a pick-me-up. I also appreciate knowing what I’m buying — and that I’m getting it on the cheap.

Chances are, your customers are no different. So, while both CTAs demand the same action — and deliver the same reward — one is infinitely more clickable.

Here are 5 of our favorite strategies for crafting enticing CTAs:

1. Focus on clarity

In marketing, like in life, you need to be direct: Tell people what you want them to do. If they’re perplexed, they won’t follow your CTA. Resist the urge to dress up your CTA with flowery copy. Stick to the point for more clicks.

2. Be specific

Using the Girl Scout Cookies example above, the “Buy Now!” CTA doesn’t tell the user anything. “Want Girl Scout cookies? Click here for a sweet deal” expresses all of the specs with precious little text.

3. Keep it short

The best CTAs are usually 150 characters or fewer. Since space is so tight, every word has to count. Choose action words. Focus on verbs. Craft copy that emphasizes what you want the user to do. 

4. Play up the perks

Your CTA should emphasize the benefits to the user — not the benefits to you. Put yourself in your users’ shoes and consider the question: “I want …” Then, fill in the blank. A few examples:

  • Get tasty recipes delivered to your inbox, free!
  • Start losing weight today!
  • Enjoy your favorite Girl Scout Cookies at half the price!

5. Make it pretty

A good CTA should match the style and tone of your brand. But it should also subtly stand out from the rest of the page. To ensure your CTA commands attention — and action — make it visually different from the rest of the content on your page. Use:

  • Crafty wording
  • Eye-catching graphics
  • Creative language, color, fonts and styles

CTAs Close the Deal

Creating an effective call to action stems from knowing your offer, product, service or newsletter is valuable to your users. So, test it out!

Don’t run with your CTA until after you do some beta testing. And think twice if you feel tempted to revert to the tired “Buy Now,” “Subscribe” or “Sign Up Today!” You’ll get more clicks if you get creative.

Before you write that CTA, you need to craft interesting, helpful copy. Here are some ways to do that:

The Art of Revising

8 Ways to Keep Copy Short and Sweet to Make an Impact

Writing Tips from the Editor Who Rejects Everything

Need help crafting compelling web copy (including CTAs)? Contact us to see how we can help.

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