The Ultimate Guide to AI for Healthcare Marketers + Do’s and Don’ts Cheatsheet What You Need to Know
The Ultimate Guide to AI for Healthcare Marketers + Do’s and Don’ts Cheatsheet What You Need to Know


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Move Over SEO, GEO Is the New Kid in Town

Digital marketing is a bustling city that never sleeps, always evolving with new neighborhoods popping up overnight. For healthcare marketers, […]

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You’ve Got a Friend in AI: A Human-Centric Approach to Healthcare Marketing

Have you heard the buzz? Artificial intelligence (AI) is the new shiny toy in healthcare marketing. It promises to revolutionize […]

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Strategic Guide to Repurposing Healthcare Content for Social Media (Minimize Your Workload, Maximize Results)

Think about how many people on your team are responsible for executing your social media strategy. Multiply that by 40 […]

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How to Choose the Right Keywords & Get Better SEO Results

The worst part of SEO content planning? Typing a phrase into Semrush for keyword ideas and seeing, “View all 31,954 […]

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Upgrade Your SEO Playbook: How to Win AI Search Traffic

“AI is going to take your job.” “Marketers will be obsolete in 5 years.” We’ve all heard these tired doomsday […]

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Finding the Balance Between SEO & UX in Healthcare

Write for the reader — not for Google. As long as you create helpful content for the end user, everything else […]

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Content Findability Tips: How to Get More Eyes on Your Content

Hide-and-seek is one of those games you don’t really want to win. No one wants to be the last one […]

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Healthcare Content Audits: 10 Frequently Asked Questions

We get it. “Audit” is a dirty word to marketers. It feels a lot like cleaning out the attic — […]

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Case Study: Can AI Write Website Content in Plain Language?

AI has come a long way since ChatGPT’s launch in 2022. When you want original content, AI still can’t replace […]

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Website Redesign Coming Up? Start With a Solid RFP

A hospital website redesign is a substantial project. It’s the kind of long-term initiative many people dread — unless you’re content-obsessed […]

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How to Add Healthcare Video Marketing to Your Strategy

Video marketing is everywhere. It’s on social feeds, it’s appearing higher on SERPs … sometimes, it’s even on a screen […]

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Show, Don’t Tell: 5 Ways Medical Animations Can Complement Your Content Strategy

The year is 1995. You’re sitting in a dark theater when a desk lamp hops onto the screen, and the […]

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Top Hospital Commercials of 2023 [10+ Hospital Ad Examples]

Every December, our team makes a master list of the year’s best hospital commercials. We feature ads that made us […]

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10 Data-Driven Principles of Plain Language Writing

You know what plain writing is. You know why using plain language and everyday words matter in medical communication, where […]

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