The Ultimate Guide to AI for Healthcare Marketers + Do’s and Don’ts Cheatsheet What You Need to Know
The Ultimate Guide to AI for Healthcare Marketers + Do’s and Don’ts Cheatsheet What You Need to Know
Ahava Leibtag talks with Jason Swenk about the six steps for creating valuable content to help you reach your target audience and increase your impact.
The 6 Steps to Making Content Valuable
#1 – Findable. Make sure that you are utilizing appropriate keywords so your target audience a find you. Also think about how your content relates to other content. If someone is looking for a dresser, they may also be looking for a headboard.
#2 – Readable. We’ve all seen it – bad web writing. Keep your content short, and with the most important points at the top. People just don’t read long-form content anymore, so don’t have giant chunks of text.
#3 – Understandable. It seems like a no-brainer, but you need to have your content easy to read, and not only you talking about yourself. Make sure it is relevant to your audience. Show them that you understand their pain points.
#4 – Actionable. Include clear calls to action in your content so the reader knows what to do next. Content exists for two reasons: because it supports business objectives, and because it helps users accomplish their tasks. You want the person consuming your content to feel comfortable performing the action that you want them to do.
#5 – Shareable. This does not mean going viral. Sharable content fills a need, is well executed, and simple to understand. It’s the kind of content that can jump from the hands of the person that has it, right into the hands of the person who needs it.
#6 – Mobile. It’s clear mobile is huge in content and social marketing, but Ahava hasn’t quite finalized its place. Since mobile can be standalone and fit within each of the other checklist items look for more to come in the future.
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